Final Post
As the semester is coming to a close and we are all hopefully completing our final hours of placement I wanted to take some time to make a post about a few things I have learned during this industry experience course. Working with show horses has taught me a lot of things, and all though I didn't complete all of the goals I set out for myself I feel as though I have learned a great deal of things. The main skills I have learned from this placement have been, how to stay organized in stressful situations and how to work as a team. The horse shows can get quite busy and hectic especially on Fridays. Fridays are the big day for ponies, and in order to show a pony you must be under 18 years old, we had a few children who were ages that range from 5-9. Keeping them organized and getting them to where they should be sometimes was quite the challenge. I got really good at managing my time as well. I was given a few different tasks to complete through out the day that I nee...